Worship: It's Better in a Church - Colossians 3:12-17

Order of Service

Call to Worship: Psalm 103:20-22



#77 - Praise My Soul the King of Heaven (Tune)

#168 - I Greet Thee Who My Sure Redeemer Art (Tune)

Corporate Confession of Sin: Adapted from The Valley of Vision

Eternal Father, you are good beyond all thought, but we are wretched and blind. Our lips are ready to confess, but our hearts are slow to feel, and our ways reluctant to amend. We bring ourselves to you and ask you to wound us, bend us, mold us. Grant us to know that the way of transgressors is hard, that evil paths are wretched paths, and to depart from you is to lose all good. Work in us a more profound and abiding repentance. Grant that through the tears of repentance we may see more clearly the brightness and glories of the saving cross. As we quiet ourselves to confess sin, hear our prayers, for we come in the name of our Mediator, Jesus Christ, to seek forgiveness.

Silent Confession and Assurance of Forgiveness

Response: #252 - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Tune)

Scripture Readings:

John 4:16-26

Revelation 5:6-14

Doxology: #731

Affirmation of Faith: Membership Covenant

Having been brought by divine grace to repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and to submit to His Lordship over our lives and having been baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, in the presence of God and His people, most joyfully enter into covenant with one another in this local church.

We will work and pray for the unity of this local church through walking together in brotherly love, edifying, admonishing, nurturing, and caring for one another, speaking truth in love, esteeming others above ourselves, and praying for one another. Further, we will seek to avoid those sins that greatly hinder the unity of the church such as gossip, bitterness, anger, and pride, and we will never act as a stumbling block to our weaker brethren.

We will work together to sustain the ministry of the church through participation in corporate meetings, observing the ordinances, practicing church discipline, promoting sound doctrine, and giving cheerfully of our finances. Further, we will submit to, and pray for those who lead us, even as they submit to Christ.

We will seek to be men and women who conform our lives to Christ, husbands and wives that pursue God-honoring marriages, grandparents and parents that educate our children in the Holy Scriptures, and sons and daughters that honor and serve our parents.

By God’s grace, we will be a church that advances the gospel of Jesus Christ to the praise of His glory!

Pastoral Prayer

Hymn: #355 - We Are God's People (Tune)

Sermon: Colossians 3:12-17

Closing Hymn: #429 - Let Thy Blood in Mercy Poured (Tune)
